HD4RES v1 (Health Data for RESearchers)

HD4RES v1 (Health Data for RESearchers)

HD4RES v1 is an application developed by healthdata.be and installed at Sciensano that allows the manager of the data collection to communicate with the data provider without knowing the identification of the patient. Data are sent automatically or by pressing a submit button to the central HD4RES v1 application via eHealth. A mechanism of encryption is put in place assuring that nobody has access to the patient identifier and medical information except the data provider. 


Getting Started in HD4RES

Getting Started in HD4RES

This article aims to provide a high-level overview of the different functions, with links to dedicated support articles describing these functions more thoroughly.


How to request an HD4RES v1 account

How to request an HD4RES v1 account

Access to HD4RES for a given register is only intended for the register project manager and his/her direct colleagues who are working on the same register.

For a given register, healthdata will provide HD4RES access to the people listed in the authorization request to the sector committee social security and health.

If there is a need for other people to access HD4RES for this registrer e.g. in case of staffing changes, you can request access via healthdata@sciensano.be. The security officer of healthdata is responsible for the HD4RES user management.


How to connect to HD4RES v1

How to connect to HD4RES v1

HD4RES v1 is accissible via https://remote.healthstat.be/vpn/index.html.

If you make a connection a ‘new’ window appears to logon to the application.

HD4RES v1 can be found using Chrome on the remote.healthstat.be site.

You normally have a link in the ‘Bookmarks, Managed Bookmarks’ section to HD4RES.

If you start an application you might get this message:

Select ‘Permit all access’ to give the application access to your directories and pc.
