Overview of the requests

Overview of the requests

After submission of the requests for access and receipt of the confirmation message, you are able to consult the validation process and other features of the requests via the tab Requests overview on the My Profile page.

Based on the scope of the requests overview, we can distinguish between

Overview of the requests for end-users

In order to view their own requests, end-users can open the My Profile page and click on the tab Requests overview.

The overview shown can be searched and sorted in the top row as needed (see figure below). End-users will only see a list of requests they have created for themselves.

Request UUID field

This field contains the unique ID’s of the requests. The occurence of the same unique ID in several rows indicates that this master request consists of several subrequests, each one per project and per application that has been selected in the request form. These subrequests are than saved in the healthdata.be DB2 for further processing.

Status field

The Status field indicates whether the request has been created (value “created”; meaning to be approved by the SPOC) or approved (value “approved_rae”; meaning the request was approved by the SPOC and will be ready for sharing credentials).

Role in project field

The values in this field are Local Study Lead, Local Study Associate, Local Study Support. More detailed information about these roles can be found in User roles in HD4DP v2.

Application field

This field contains the application you have selected in the Request Access (End-User) or Access Request form to access the public health projects: HD4DP2.0 or Healthstat.be.

Project code field

The value in this field is the Healthdata.be business project code. Entering this code in the publically accessible FAIR portal (fair.healthdata.be) results in the dataset for this project.

Or you can enter this code in the Advanced search field on the Healthdata.be docs pages to find the respective project’s documentation.

Overview of the requests for IT single points-of-contact (IT SPOC)

SPOCs have the capacity to view all requests for their organization.

To view the Status of the request of the users of their affiliation, the SPOC needs to select the My Profile page and to click on the tab Requests overview (see screenshot below). Requests in this overview can be searched and sorted as needed.

New: Actions field

This field describes the extra actions a SPOC can take, i.e. approve or reject requests. This functionality is explained in SPOC actions upon a request in more detail.

Request UUID field

This field contains the unique ID’s of the requests. The occurence of the same unique ID in several rows indicates that this master request consists of several subrequests, each one per project and per application that has been selected in the request form. These subrequests are than saved in the healthdata.be DB2 for further processing.

Status field

The Status field can only receive the status “approved_rae” since the request was made by the SPOC.

Role in project field

The values in this field are Local Study Lead, Local Study Associate, Local Study Support. More detailed information about these roles can be found in User roles in HD4DP v2.

Application field

This field contains the application you have selected in the Request Access (End-User) or Access Request form to access the public health projects: HD4DP2.0 or Healthstat.be.

Project code field

The value in this field is the Healthdata.be business project code. Entering this code in the publically accessible FAIR portal (fair.healthdata.be) results in the dataset for this project.

Or you can enter this code in the Advanced search field on the Healthdata.be docs pages to find the respective project’s documentation.
