HD New Business Project Processes

Last updated: 2022-06-05 14:54

WHAT are business processes?

"A business process is a collection of related, structured activities or tasks that produce a specific service or product (serve a particular goal) for a particular customer or customers. It may often be visualized as a flowchart of a sequence of activities with interleaving decision points or as a Process Matrix of a sequence of activities with relevance rules based on data in the process".

Many definitions of business processes similar to the above exist. Whatever definition is used, business processes are part of a larger hierarchical perspective which relates policies, business processes, work instructions and quality records, as explained in detail in the section about business processes in the quality documentation hierarchy.

WHY do we use business processes?

From the outline in business processes in total quality management, the importance of the business processes as used by healthdata.be comes down to the ability of the product (both services and end-product) of healthdata.be to meet at least legislation, policy and customer requirements.

From a more operational perspective, the business processes used for the healthdata.be project need, amongst others:

  • to ensure compliance to the various governance rules and regulations (compliance);
  • to simplify the interaction between the various actors by adhering to the ‘only once’ principle and maximally integrating with the existing workflows of the various actors (efficiency);
  • to create transparency and awareness for the stakeholders about the various processes in relation to health registers and the status of the ongoing processes (opengov);
  • to support the continuity of the register management (e.g. in case of staffing changes);
  • to enhance interoperability throughout the entire process.

WHO needs to use(/comply with) the business processes?

The compliance and use of the business processes is mandatory for all members of the healthdata.be team.

WHICH business processes does healthdata.be have?

A fundamental distinction is made between the start-up of a new data collection project (A-track projects), and the re-use of data (B-track projects). The start-up of a new project means either that a yet existing data collection (but without previous collaboration with healthdata.be) will be migrated towards healthdata.be, or that a not yet existing data collection will be started up within healthdata.be. The re-use of data means that data which is already present in the healthdata.be data warehouse will be re-used and combined for an additional project then initially was intended.
Also, separate tracks exist depending on which type of organization requests a project. A project can be requested by either a governmental organization (RIZIV/INAMI, FOD/SPF, WIV/ISP, etc.) or a non-governmental organization (e.g. universities, companies, etc.).