SPOC actions

Dernière mise à jour: 2023-04-05 09:44

In this article, we cover the different actions of a SPOC in more detail.

SPOC actions upon a request

SPOCs will be notified in case a request for access was made by a colleague, allowing them to review the overview table to manage all requests for their organization.

To open the overview table, the SPOC needs to navigate to "My Profile" followed by selection of the "Requests" tab. The overview of the requests appears (see below).

In the Actions field an Approve/Reject selection button is displayed next to each request with the status created or approval_requested (framed in blue). Two actions are possible now: the SPOC can either approve or reject the user's request.

When selecting Approve, and after confirmation of this action, the status of the request changes to "approved_rae" and the dates in both fields Updated and Completed are updated accordingly as demonstrated in the screenshots below. Once the registry goes in production the account will be created automatically and the credentials will be shared to the user by e-mail.

Approve action:

Pop-up confirmation query:


When returning to the overview, you will notice that the status of the request has changed to "approved_rae". The Approve/Reject button in the Actions field has disappeared.

When selecting Reject, and after confirmation of this action, the request receives the status "rejected", the dates in the fields Updated and Completed are updated accordingly. A rejected request remains in the overview for information purposes. Compare following screens:

Reject action:

Pop-up confirmation query:


The requester will also be notified of the rejected request by e-mail:


Your request for access to EAM was rejected.

Please contact your HD4DP SPOC for more information.

Best regards
Healthdata Support