Overview of the registration statuses

Last updated: 2022-12-08 14:11

This article explains the different registration statuses in HD4DP v1 as of v1.8.

Where to find the status of a registration?

Statuses are shown in "Status" column which is per default the first column in the overview:

What is a Status Confirmation?

The status confirmation gives information about the arriving of the data in HD4DP. The status confirmation, which is in fact a substatus of a registration is shown in the column "Status confirmation". 

To view the "Status Confirmation", modify the list view add the column "Status confirmation":

As soon as a registration is sent and has status 'Submitted', the confirmation column will show the following substatus:

  • Pending
  • OK: the registration has arrived
  • NOK: the registration did not arrive within 48 hours

The different registration statuses

User-added image Open*: a registration is created and stored. It has not been submitted.

User-added image Sending: the registration is being sent to HD4RES.

User-added image Submitted: the registration has been sent to HD4RES. This does not necessarily mean that the registration has arrived in HD4RES.

User-added image Registrations in status "Corrections needed"*: the researcher verified the registration and added some comments. Review the comments and correct where necessary.

User-added image Approved: the researcher verified and approved the registration.

User-added image Registrations with status "Follow-up needed"*: a follow-up registration is needed for this registration. Fill in the newly available fields.

User-added image Error: your account is not authorized to create and submit registration for this register. Please contact support.

* action is required from the user

The below scheme summarizes the different registration statuses in HD4DP and Processing Data and their relation to each other: