General description of the application

Last updated: 2021-11-11 16:47

The portal  is part of the #dataforbetterhealth initiative. The initiative “#dataforbetterhealth” aims to identify the existing impediments for a FAIR data policy in public health and to formulate, test and implement solutions for these impediments  in order to achieve an integrated data access policy. These solutions must be technically, semantically, economically and legally sustainable. In addition, a widely supported governance model needs to be elaborated.

It can be expected that an integrated data access policy will lead to better support for scientific research, a more effective development of medicines and medical devices, improved of patient care, improved and support for clinical trials, support for personalized care, support for prevention, patient centered care, and lower medical expenses…

In the first stage of the initiative, the request portal will identify and quantify the need for and use cases with the data sets created with governmental support. This will help to set priorities in making available open and FAIR data sets. The requests are immediately forwarded to the owners and hosts of the requested data set.  They will treat your request with care. In a later stage, a workshop "meet the data manager" will be organized . Applicants will have the opportunity to meet the data manager of the requested data set and will receive feedback on the request. 

The request portal is not only for researchers. In fact, the “#dataforbetterhealth” initiative wishes to encourage and engage all service providers and knowledge institutes active in the field of healthcare (including drug development, medical device development, …), health economy, information management, privacy and security, legislation (universities of applied sciences, …). …, both public and private organizations, profit as well as non-profit (data science communities, open data communities, open Knowledge communities, …) organizations.

#dataforbetterhealth is an INITIATIVE of the federal minister of Public health, the federal minister of Digital Agenda, the federal Secretary of state Privacy, SUPPORTED by Sciensano, NIDO – the innovation lab of the federal government and DigitYzer, and INSPIRED by RIZIV-INAMI, FOD-SPF Public Health, FAGG-AFMPS, IMA-AIM, IMEC, AGORIA, PHARMA.BE, VPP, LUSS,, KCE, BOSA, …

More information about the  “#dataforbetterhealth” initiative  is available at