Give access to an HD application for someone from your organization

Dernière mise à jour: 2023-06-06 14:48

To give access to the applications of (like HD4DP v2 and, you need to click on GIVE ACCESS in the white text box on the EAM portal page.

You can give access to

Give access to a single user

After selection of GIVE ACCESS on the EAM portal page, an ACCESS REQUEST form is shown.

Completing this form is similar to the process on the Request Access page for standard end-users. In the capacity of a SPOC, however, you will now fill in an Access Request form for a user within your organization.

Please fill in all required fields (indicated with a red asterisk *), make a selection in the mandatory drop-down lists and, optionally, tick the check boxes for additional help and/or information.

Organization NIHDI number

The NIHDI number of the organization is already provided, since your account is connected to this organization.

Role in project

When selecting Local Study Support, you will be asked to make a selection in the drop-down list of Author groups. These author groups are specified for the organization in question.

HD4DP2.0 field

Click in the field under HD4DP2.0 if you want to access the application to make registrations for the selected project: field

Click in the field under if you want to access the reporting of the selected project:

Once you have completed the access request form, click on the Submit button. When the submisson was successful, you will receive a confirmation message.

If you now return to My profile, the User profile is extended with the Organization name and code. And an extra tab Batch create requests has been added.

Continue to Give access to multiple users in batch in order to give access to multiple users in one operation.

Give access to multiple users in batch

The person whom has been assigned the SPOC role for the healthcare organization (HCO) is able to give access to multiple users in batch. The SPOC therefore needs to return to the User profile page and select the tab Batch create requests.

In the tab Batch create requests a CSV file can be selected via the file selection button.

Upload the CSV file and click on the Run the batch creation button. An example of a CSV file structure is available here:

By doing so, a master request per line will be automatically generated, and then the information will be split into sub-requests (one per application or project) and saved in the DB2 for further processing.

A table schema ( to validate CSV looks as follows. An example file is available here: eam_csv_batch_requests_schema.json

User roles and corresponding values

To complete the “role”, 3 different choices are possible:

  • 1= Local Study Lead: Only 1 Local Study Lead can be created by (Sciensano) for each registry within each organization.
  • 2= Local Study Associate (= author). This will be the default role a user will receive, the reason why it was prefilled with “2”.
  • 3= Local Study Support (= co-author). This role can be given if it is more suitable for the user. A Support will always need an Associate to which he/she will be assigned.

When selecting role 3 (= Local Study Support), the name of the ‘Local Study Associate’ is expected in the field “author_group”. To be filled in in the format <first_name last_name> of the Associate, with just 1 space (tab) between the two names).

When selecting role 2 (= Local Study Associate), the field author_group must be left empty.