3. API Endpoint for searches DCD registrations

Last updated: 2022-10-03 08:45

API description 

API end-pointResponseNotes
/api/dcd/submissions/searching? organization-id={organizationId}; dcd-id={dcdId}; dcd-version-id={dcdVersionId}    See below for detailed response typesorganization-id={organizationtId} : Id of the organization for which we want to search the DCD registrations submitted info.  dcd-id={dcdId} : Id of the DCD we want to search the DCD registrations submitted info.  <optional parameter> dcd-version-id={dcdVersionId} : If this parameter is not provided, latest one is assumed 

Search for submitted DCD registrations 

Request example  

GET /api/dcd/submissions/searching?organization-id={organizationId};dcd-id={dcdId};dcd-version-id={dcdVersionId} 




  "CD_SURGL_APPR_FEMO": {"BCOMP": "equals", "VALUE": 68224}, 

  "D_IMPLANT": {"BCOMP": "gte", "VALUE": "2021-04-30T22:00:00"} 

// conditional expression in the example above would be:  

// CD_SURGL_APPR_FEMO = 68224 and D_IMPLANT >= "2021-04-30T22:00:00" 

// (gte boolean comparator in the example means: greater than or equal to) See table below for details 

// about rest of the boolean comparators. 

Request parameters 

  • {organizationtId} : Id of the organization for which we want to search the DCD registrations submitted info. 
  • {dcdId} : Id of the DCD we want to search the DCD registrations submitted info. 
  • <optional parameter> {dcdVersionId} : Id of the DCD Version we want to search submitted info. If this parameter is not provided, lastest one is assumed. 

Request payload 

  • {Header} : MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON 
  • {Body} : JSON object with the DCD searching criteria, following the specifications and examples in terms of data types and permitted values, provided by the described api end-points: 
    • GET /api/dcd/payload/definition 
    • GET /api/dcd/payload/example 

And following searching rules specifications: 

  "FIELD_NAME": {"BCOMP": "gte", "VALUE": "example value 1"} 

Valid boolean comparators (BCOMP): 

(for the following examples purpose, we will use patients´s attributes (fields), for instance) 

equal equals "gender": {"BCOMP": "equals", "VALUE": "male"}  both return all submitted DCDs whose patients’ gender is male 
not equal ne "gender": {"BCOMP": "ne", "VALUE": "male"} returns all submitted DCDs whose patients’ gender are not male  
greater than gt "age": {"BCOMP": "gt", "VALUE": "18"}  returns all submitted DCDs whose patients are older than 18 
greater than or equal to gte "age": {"BCOMP": "gte", "VALUE": "18"}   returns all submitted DCDs whose patients are 18 and older 
less than lt "age": {"BCOMP": "lt", "VALUE": "30"}  returns all submitted DCDs whose patients are 29 and younger 
less than or equal to lte "age": {"BCOMP": "lte", "VALUE": "30"}  returns all submitted DCDs whose patients are 30 and younger 
in in "gender": {"BCOMP": "in", "VALUE": "female,male"}  returns all submitted DCDs whose patients’ gender are female and male  
nin nin "age": {"BCOMP": "nin", "VALUE": "18,21"}  returns all submitted DCDs whose patients are not 18 or 21 
exists=true exists "age": {"BCOMP": "exists", "VALUE": "true"}  returns all submitted DCDs whose patients get some value in the age 
exists=false exists "age": {"BCOMP": "exists", "VALUE": "false"}  returns all submitted DCDs whose patients don’t get any value in the age  
Regex regex "username": {"BCOMP": "regex", "VALUE":  "/^travis/i"}  returns all submitted DCDs whose patients’ username start with  travis  

We’ll apply same query operators than in the Formio API, and in this way, its implementation will be straight forward. See this link for details about FormIO API: https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/684631/formio-api/2Jvuks#1f207caa-9d04-3e81-2973-e4bf82ee5190

Request response 

If succeed result: 


     "TX_BUSINESS_KEY": "NISS 12.06.01-053.46 30/04/2021 67864" 

     "CD_SURGL_APPR_FEMO": 68224, 

     "D_IMPLANT": "2021-04-30T22:00:00", 

     "TX_TPE_INSTRU": "P-432", 

     "MS_PAT_HGHT": 160 



     "TX_BUSINESS_KEY": "NISS 68.06.01-053.29 04/05/2021 67864" 

     "CD_SURGL_APPR_FEMO": 68224, 

     "D_IMPLANT": "2021-05-04T22:00:00", 

     "TX_TPE_INSTRU": "X-333", 

     "MS_PAT_HGHT": 180 



     "TX_BUSINESS_KEY": "NISS 72.06.01-053.81 08/05/2021 67864" 

     "CD_SURGL_APPR_FEMO": 68224, 

     "D_IMPLANT": "2021-05-08T22:00:00", 

     "TX_TPE_INSTRU": "Z-345", 

     "MS_PAT_HGHT": 195 



     "TX_BUSINESS_KEY": "NISS 91.06.01-053.12 12/05/2021 67864" 

     "CD_SURGL_APPR_FEMO": 68224, 

     "D_IMPLANT": "2021-05-12T22:00:00", 

     "TX_TPE_INSTRU": "R-987", 

     "MS_PAT_HGHT": 170 


If failed result: 

   "HTTP_STATUS_CODE": 405, 

   "HTTP_STATUS_NAME": "Method Not Allowed", 

   "HTTP_STATUS_EXCEPTION_DETAILS": "Exception details for Method Not Allowed example", 
