Hospital doctors

Laatst bijgewerkt: 2022-08-08 12:35

A. General

General information for Hospital doctors can be found on NL FR 

B. Messages

Four type of messages towards the COVID-19 Test Results Database are relevant for physicians working in a hospital:

C. Software solutions

Following software applications will provide a solution to send the messages "LaboratoryTestPrescription", "ResultFlagsSuspicionFalseNegativeTest" and "AlertSuspectedCaseNoTestPerformed" to the COVID-19 Database at Sciensano.

  • Amaron klanten die reeds met WORKFLOWER werken, kunnen op AMARON beroep doen om de COVID-formulieren beschikbaar te maken in Workflower. Dat wil zeggen met zoveel mogelijk pre-fill op basis van de beschikbare koppelingen. Hierbij zal ook een takenlijst (voor het aanvullen van cruciale gegevens: ICE-contact, beroep, enz) mogelijk zijn. AMARON biedt ook overzichtslijsten ter opvolging intern. Van zodra het formulier compleet is, kunnen we ook een koppeling maken die mappings naar bv SNOMED-CT toepast en het bericht in het juiste formaat zet en klaarzet voor verzending (of zelf verzenden, TBD per instelling). Contact = Frederik Lenaerts +32 495 46 57 73.
  • ChipSoft België will provide the COVID-19 forms in their HiX application and make it available for their customers having access to the appropriate HiX components.
  • Infohos: update will follow.
  • Moonchase lab-online: Moonchase can provide a Lab Online plug-in allowing extraction of Covid-19 test results from the database and uploading them to Sciensano in the required format.
  • MyBox: HealthConnect provides hospitals with software to manage their eHealthBox: Unified Messaging Module. The application has a graphical interface (MyBox) that allows users within the organization to receive and send messages, as well as create, send & receive structured eForms forms (such as the COVID forms). NL FR.
  • Nexuzhealth nv will provide the COVID-19 forms in their HIS KWS and make it available for their partners having access to the appropriate HIS KWS components.
  • Synops will provide the COVID-19 forms in their application.
  • UZPrimuz: will provide the COVID-19 forms in their HIS UZPrimuz.
  • Xperthis CARE: Hospitals are advised to create the COVID-19 forms with the forms module in their Xperthis CARE application based on the specifications mentioned in the implementation guide. They can contact the Xperthis helpdesk if needed.
  • Xperthis OmniPro: Hospitals are advised to create the COVID-19 forms with the forms module in their Xperthis OmniPro application based on the specifications mentioned in the implementation guide. They can contact the Xperthis helpdesk if needed.
  • Xperthis EPR/H++: Hospitals are advised to create the COVID-19 forms with the forms module in their Xperthis EPR/H++ application based on the specifications mentioned in the implementation guide. They can contact the Xperthis helpdesk if needed.